Garrett PD i ™ Enhanced Pinpoint Walk-Through Metal Detector (USA and Canada) W. State Street Garland, TX Email: PD i is an “Approved Product for Homeland Security” Made in the USA under the SAFETY Act. Standard Programs Over 20 application programs included. Garrett Walk-Through Detector Safety Garrett walk-through metal detectors meet U.S. and international regulatory requirements for electromagnetic safety. Extensive research has found no information that would indicate Garrett products have adverse effects on pregnancy, medical devices (such as pacemakers) or magnetic recording media. · Garrett Pd i Metal Detector Manual; Garrett Pd i Spec; Garrett metal detectors are % safe to use – they have certificates of electromagnetic compatibility and meet safety standards for health. The electromagnetic field produced by Garrett metal detectors is similar to those found in everyday surroundings.
The Garrett PDi is the walk through metal detector used in many of the worlds top airports. This model is approved by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). When you need a walk through security metal detector with the highest level of identification, you need the Garrett PDi. PD i User MANUAL © Garrett Metal Detectors 6 PN REV H 1. GeNerAL DesCrIPTION OF PD i Basic Description The Garrett PD i (Model #xx) is a digitally controlled pulse induction metal detector. Memory All program selections and settings are maintained in electrically erasable non- volatile memory. When using any other Garrett walk-through metal detectors with PD i’s, use channels A and B to coincide with other Garrett walk-through channels A and B. Page 30 GARRETT PD i USER MANUAL walk-through (alarms should occur with each pass), particularly in locations and orientations where you suspect detection is most difficult. Alarms will occur if sensitivity setting is correct.
Walk Thru Underwater Metal Detectors the PD i is the walk-through of choice for security professionals Ground balance: auto and manual. The Garrett PD i walk-through metal detector, available in grey and beige Designed as an alternative for manual pat downs during weapons screenings. Garrett PDi Walk-Through Metal Detectors With more than four times the detection coils of competitive models, the PD i™ provides uniform detection.