Fomadon r09 manual

 · This developer is designed for manual processing of all types of monochrome negative films. We have a lot of work to do in the field and spread the right info and have feed back from customers. The fomaron ml Fomadon R09 was almost full. Fomadon R09 has two dilutions; 1+25 and 1+ The different dilutions can be used to help control the contrast of negatives and the length of developing time. This bottle will develop up to 25 films. R09 is equivalent to classic film developer Agfa Rodinal. Have a look at the other Black And White Film Developers we have in www.doorway.rug: manual. FOMADON R09 developer for processing of monochrome negative films Developer R 09 is a (Agfa Rodinal type) universal applicable developer concentrate based on p-Aminophenol. The high concentrated solution works well in a wide range of dilution with water, resulting in fine grained negatives at optimum www.doorway.rug: manual.

Fomadon R In my work, I use Fomadon R09 and I give all developing times for this developer. After Foma noted that Fomadon R09 “is equivalent to former Agfa Rodinal”. It is, however, hard to say whether they are exactly the same. But I can say that the developing times I used for the original Agfa Rodinal are almost the same as for. FOMADON R09 PDF. Buy Foma Fomadon R09 (ml) featuring Monochrome Negative Film Developer, High Acutance / Edge Contrast High Dilution: to Review Foma. I just picked up a bottle of fomadon R09 from prophot in paris as a rodinal substitute (i know its back in production, but they didn’t seem to keen. Fomadon R09 is a one-part liquid concentrate. FOMADON R 09 In general Liquid concentrate of a fine-grain, normal-working para-aminophenol negative developer. Use The developer is designed for the manual processing of all sorts of perforated/roll/sheet negative films. Dilution 1 part of the concentrate + 25 or 50 parts of water Developing capacity One package is sufficient to develop.

Liquid concentrate of a fine-grain, normal-working para-aminophenol negative developer. The developer is designed for the manual processing of all sorts of. These instructions should yield medium-contrast negatives. Development. See dev chart below for options. Fomadon R 1+ 6. n/a. Fomadon R Foma Fomadon R09 ( ml) User manual, User manual Foma Fomadon R09 ( ml) , Foma, Fomadon, R09, , ml, , Video.


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